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킬러 인사이드: 아론 에르난데스는 왜 괴물이 되었나?
Jan 15, 2020
다큐멘터리, 범죄
타고난 재능으로 성공을 얻었다. 그를 둘러싼 이들에게 사랑도 받았다. 하지만 결국 살인자가 되었다. 스타 풋볼 선수 아론 에르난데스. 그의 진실을 파헤치는 다큐시리즈.
Kevin Armstrong
Self - Journalist
3 Episodes
Aaron Hernandez
Self (archive footage)
3 Episodes
Dan Wetzel
Himself - Author / Sportswriter, Yahoo! Sports
3 Episodes
Patrick Haggan
Himself - Suffolk County Assistant District Attorney
3 Episodes
Stephen Ziogas
Himself - Lifelong Friend of Aaron Hernandez
3 Episodes
Tim Sansoucie
Himself - Father of Dennis Sansoucie
3 Episodes
Thomas Hodgson
Himself - Sheriff of Bristol County
3 Episodes
Dennis Sansoucie
Himself - Aaron's High School Quarterback
3 Episodes
Leigh Bodden
Himself - Former Teammate, New England Patriots
3 Episodes
Ryan O'Callaghan
Himself - Former Offensive Tackle, New England Patriots
3 Episodes
Mike Massey
Himself - Friend & Teammate of Odin Lloyd
3 Episodes
William Camara
Himself - Bristol County Jail Guard
2 Episodes
Kristen St. John
Herself - Childhood Friend / Neighbor
2 Episodes
Maria Cramer
Herself - Reporter, Boston Globe
2 Episodes
Susan Candiotti
Herself - Former CNN Investigative Reporter
2 Episodes
Jermaine Wiggins
Himself - Former Tight End, New England Patriots
2 Episodes
Chris Borland
Himself - Former Linebacker, University of Wisconsin
2 Episodes
Jeffrey Montez de Oca
Himself - USSC Center for Critical Sports Studies
1 Episodes
Jose Baez
Himself - Lead Attorney to Aaron Hernandez
1 Episodes
Carol Bailey
Herself - Neighbor
1 Episodes
Shane Hickey
Himself - Friend of Aaron Hernandez
1 Episodes
시즌 1
Jan 14, 2020 * 3 Episodes
세상의 사랑을 받은 NFL의 스타 선수, 잔혹하고 비정한 살인자. 아론 에르난데스는 어떤 사람이었을까. 그의 지인들과 사건 관계자들의 인터뷰를 통해 그 진실에 다가간다.